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Does your company...
Use spreadsheets more than your ERP system?
Need to simplify processes, but not sure where to start?
Have employees resistant to use technology?
Want to deploy new technology right the first time?
Enter the same information more than once?
Need process improvements, but no time to research?

Spear-it partners with businesses to infuse the power of technology
into day-to-day business activities

For Our Clients:
Improved order intake process time by 50% and drove adoption of enterprise-wide customer portal up by 28%.
Propelled strategic, Artificial Intelligence (AI) discussion for $2.5B client through research and presenting competitors' advancements in AI to Supply Chain leadership.
Uncovered operational inconsistencies stifling growth in $5.5M company. Comprehensive, end-to-end, process analysis resulted in newly created VP of Operations to enact all recommended changes leading to 3x revenue growth.
Filled open, full-time role as OTC Process Lead for SAP S/4HANA deployment.
Designed, championed, and led new, global, standardized refund process aligning 14 distinct businesses avoiding costs in excess of $450,000.
Enabled standardized, single-sourced dashboard for 7 business Control Owners consolidating data from 5 disparate systems to evaluate business risks on a consistent basis.

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